Celebrating World Keratoconus Day
Date: 6/11/2019
Venue: Eyesmatter Southside Clinic, level 2, No 12 Mount Gravatt-Capalaba Rd, Upper Mt Gravatt, QLD, 4122
Provider: Eyes Matter
Contact: Jim McAlister, [E] jim@eyesmatter.com.au, [P] 0731931100
Learning Objectives
- Defining who is your natural target for keratoconus screening. By the end of this presentation you should be able to to discern the relevant questions that identify those at risk of keratoconus development or progression, even when the eye sees well
- By the end of the presentation you will be better equipped to identify those in whom behaviour modification and Optometry based allergy control measures have a role.
- By the end of the presentation you should feel better euipped to recognise the subtle signs of early keratoconus in eyes with good unaided vision.
- By the end of the presentation you should have a deeper understanding the natural history of keratoconus which will also provide the basis for which the frequency of review for keratoconus suspects is recommended.
- By the end of the presentation you should be able to recognise contact lens associated microbial keratitis in Keratoconus and when to refer onward and when to start emperical treatment yourself.
- By the end of the presentation you should understand the complexities surrounding good visual outcomes in keratoconus patients undeergoing cataract surgery. An evidence based approach to surgery will be presented and a glimpse of the future devlopments for such patients will be discussed
- By the end of the presentation you should have a knowledge of the corneal cross linking procedures, its predictable outcomes and its predictacle complications. Cases illustrating the combination of cross linking with other procedures will be presented. Some of these require greater therapeutic survelience and the role of a collaborative Optometrist will be discussed.
- By the end of the presentation you should have a deeper understanding of the collaborative role of hard contact lens fitting options not only for keratoconus but also why the contact lens type depends on any surgical procedure that is envisaged for any individual patient
- A discussion on when to avoid corneal transplantation, which corneal transplantation techniques will be discussed and illustrated with case presentations as well as evidence from the Australian Corneal graft registry and elsewhere
Max points awarded: 7.50
Session Information
Name |
Targeted Screening for Keratoconus |
Activity Type |
Face to Face with Assessment |
Therapeutic? |
Yes |
Manufacturer/Supplier? |
No |
Points for attending & Passing Assessment |
1.50 |
Name |
Achieving disease stability and refractive rehabilitation |
Activity Type |
Face to Face with Assessment |
Therapeutic? |
Yes |
Manufacturer/Supplier? |
No |
Points for attending & Passing Assessment |
1.50 |
Name |
IOL options for Irregular Corneas & Transplant Options for Keratoconus |
Activity Type |
Face to Face with Assessment |
Therapeutic? |
Yes |
Manufacturer/Supplier? |
No |
Points for attending & Passing Assessment |
4.50 |