Understanding the ins and outs of assessing fitness to drive can be a major bug-bear for optometrists.
In response to increased anxiety around changes to driving-licensing, particularly online forms and restricted licenses, Optometry NSW/ACT has engaged subject-matter expert Beth Cheal to clarify the following:
- common vision conditions and impact on driving (e.g., macular degeneration and monocular vision)
- related medico-legal and ethical issues
- working within Austroads Medical Guidelines
- application of license endorsement codes (e.g., kilometre restrictions)
- managing changes to license classes (e.g., commercial and C class licenses)
- reporting results via HealthLink
- communicating recommendations to the client; case studies
- Via Zoom: link will follow registration
- FREE for OA Members
- 1.5 CPD hours
Beth Cheal
Beth graduated with a BAppSc(OT), MAppSc(OT) and PhD from the University of Sydney. The topic of her PhD was conversion of DriveSafe DriveAware, a cognitive fitness to drive screen, into a touchscreen test for GPs and other health professionals to use when screening drivers to identify those that may be at-risk due to a medical condition or age related changes. Beth is a driver-trained occupational therapist and licensed driving instructor who has worked in driver assessment and rehabilitation at the University of Sydney and in private practice since 1999. Beth has coordinated training for health professionals in driver assessment and rehabilitation since 2006.