Eye to Eye at NSEC
Date: 22/10/2019
Venue: 3 6 6 P A C I F I C H I G H W A Y, LINDFIELD, NSW, 2070
Contact: JENNY XIE, [E] jenny@northshoreeye.com.au, [P] 0404118015
Learning Objectives
- Diagnosis of secondary open angle glaucomas
- Outline management paradigms and approaches to different glaucoma sub-types
- Be aware of which type of glaucomas are more likely to progress quickly and therefore require urgent referral
- Identify masquerade glaucoma sub-types
- Paradigm for excluding secondary glaucoma types
- To understand some less common causes of macular swelling, retinal vein and vitreous haemorrhage
- To understand the treatment principles of inflammatory retinal conditions with retinal ischaemia
- To be familiar with OCT and fundus images of some less common retinal diagnoses
- Identify the red flags in a patient presenting with an eye movement disorder
- Understand the urgency and mechanism of referral in life-threatening eye movements disorder
- Outline various treatment strategies for patients with eye movements problems
- To appreciate that some traumatic injuries can have better outcomes that first predicted
- Understand that control of inflammation is critical to maximal rehabilitation
- That final visual acuity can not always be assumed based on the mechanism of injury
Max points awarded: 6.00
Session Information
Name |
Challenging retinal cases |
Activity Type |
Face to Face with Assessment |
Therapeutic? |
No |
Manufacturer/Supplier? |
No |
Points for attending & Passing Assessment |
1.50 |
Name |
Red flags in eye movement problems |
Activity Type |
Face to Face with Assessment |
Therapeutic? |
No |
Manufacturer/Supplier? |
No |
Points for attending & Passing Assessment |
1.50 |
Name |
Secondary open angle glaucoma |
Activity Type |
Face to Face with Assessment |
Therapeutic? |
Yes |
Manufacturer/Supplier? |
No |
Points for attending & Passing Assessment |
1.50 |
Name |
Case Studies in Ocular Trauma |
Activity Type |
Face to Face with Assessment |
Therapeutic? |
No |
Manufacturer/Supplier? |
No |
Points for attending & Passing Assessment |
1.50 |