Ultra-widefield Imaging for Ocular Biographies
Provider: Mivision
Contact: Nikki Byrne, [E] nikki@mivision.com.au, [P] 02 8336 8616
Learning Objectives
- Understand how diabetes mellitus can impact ocular health
- Realise the importance of proactive and continued monitoring of eye health for patients with diabetes
- Realise how ultra-widefield imaging over time can aid in detection of pathological changes
Max CPD hours awarded: 1.25
Session Information
Name |
Ultra-widefield Imaging for Ocular Biographies |
Clinical? |
Yes |
Interactive? |
No |
Therapeutic? |
No |
Duration of CPD Session/Module |
0.75 |
Duration of CPD Session/Module inclusive of Assessment Component |
1.25 |