WAVE 2020 – Event Cancelled
Optometry WA wishes to advise that due to the latest information to hand from State and Federal Chief Medical Officers regarding non-essential large gatherings in excess of 500 people we have decided to cancel WAVE 2020.
Whilst technically WAVE could proceed, and a multitude of preventative measures had been proactively put in place OWA believes that the greater good and protection of individuals along with the profession will be best served by cancelling WAVE.
Speakers, delegates and trade supporters will be refunded registration fees. This may take a short period of time to administer.
WAVE 2020 Conference Page – Information on Registration Fees Refunds & Hotel Refund
CPD points and member priorities in achieving these points are also at front of mind and further announcements / initiatives to assist members will be communicated as soon as possible.
OWA understands that these times are unprecedented. We are here to serve members in the best capacity we can. Members are encouraged to contact this office if assistance is required.
A number of member resources are currently under development and will be circulated as a matter of priority.
Kind regards,
Evan MacRae – Executive Officer
Optometry Western Australia
Contact: OWA Office, [E] j.martindale@optometry.org.au admin@optometrywa.org.au, [P] (08) 9321 2300