
Julie Heraghty
By Helen Carter
Optometry Australia has sent an email today to its members, encouraging them to complete a short online survey for Macular Disease Foundation Australia.
The foundation is surveying eye health professionals in Australia to determine how it can better meet their needs in delivering patient care.
It is inviting all optometrists, as well as ophthalmologists, orthoptists, ophthalmic nurses and practice managers to take part in the research. Member organisations for these health-care professionals are distributing the online survey to their members.
The foundation is undertaking the research in order to better understand health professionals’ awareness and understanding of what the foundation does, and how it can support practitioners and their patients in the future.
The survey seeks input on a range of matters including foundation resources and programs, and protocols for patient recommendations to support organisations.
‘Eye health professionals provide a vital insight into the needs of patients and the eye health sector more broadly so we are asking everyone to please participate in the research,’ Macular Disease Foundation Australia CEO Julie Heraghty told Australian Optometry.
‘The findings will inform our future direction to ensure that we are delivering the very best services to the macular disease community.’
In the email to members, Optometry Australia CEO Genevieve Quilty says that the organisation supports the important work done by the foundation and encourages all members to participate in the project to improve its services.
‘Taking part in this research is voluntary and all information you provide will remain strictly confidential,’ she said. ‘Macular Disease Foundation Australia has made a very positive impact on our sector so I hope you will consider participating and giving back to it in a small way.’