ECO WA & Optometry Students WA (OSWA) CPD Evening 21st September 2021
The ECO WA group presents the joint CPD evening with OSWA and presented by Dr Pricilla Ho, Brianna Caldow, Dr Sae Kyung Cho
Venue: N block – Optometry teaching rooms 6:30pm start time
6pm arrival with food and drinks available @ FJ Clark Lecture Theatre,
Session Information
This is a different take on professional development for optometrists. This talk will look at optometrists and the importance of their role working with ophthalmologists in public and private settings. This series was made with hopes that it can attract early career optometrists to listen to their peers about other modes of practice “outside the box” of consulting in private practice. It would be great to inspire early career optometrists and make them aware of the other opportunities that are out there if they want a more diverse career.
Venue: N Block, QEII Medical Centre, Nedlands, WA
Registration OPEN – In Person Only – No Zoom
Session Flyer
Learning Objectives
- What optometrists do in ophthalmology clinics
- How optometrists add value to ophthalmologists
- What triaging optometrists/ophthalmologists look for in referral letters.
- What it’s like to practice ophthalmology after being an optometrist.
Max CPD hours awarded: 1.5 i
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Dr Pricilla Ho
Show detailsDr Pricilla Ho
Graduating from the Doctor of Optometry course at the University of Melbourne in 2017, Pricilla made the move to Perth to start her graduate year at OPSM. After 1.5 years she ventured into locuming and worked in numerous corporate and independent practices in Perth, regional WA and interstate. In 2020, she started a part-time role at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and continues to locum on the side. Since 2021 she has been involved in Early Careers Optometrist WA as a committee member and she also mentors final year optometry students from the University of Melbourne.
Brianna Caldow
Show detailsBrianna Caldow
Brianna completed her Bachelor of Vision Science and Masters of Optometry at Deakin University in 2018. Following this, she made the move to Perth and started her graduate role at Specsavers. After 2 years, Brianna took a well deserved break and upon her return, took up a relief optometry role covering all of WA for OPSM. In April 2021, Brianna started a part-time role at the Lion’s eye Institute. She has been a committee member for the Early Careers Optometrist WA since 2019.
Dr Sae Kyung Cho
Show detailsDr Sae Kyung Cho
After graduating from optometry at the University of Auckland, she had dedicated more than a decade working as an optometrist in retail practices, ophthalmology clinics and as a clinical supervisor for optometry students. Realising she wanted to further her knowledge, Sae went back to the University of Auckland to complete a PhD on the development of the retina in chick embryos. Following this, Sae stayed in research and also worked as clinical optometrist for a number of years before realising this was not challenging enough and subsequently back to study the Doctor of Medicine at the University of Notre Dame, which she completed in 2018. Sae currently works in the ophthalmologist department at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and as a medical doctor in the after-hours GP service.