Thinking of expanding your scope of practise within a corporate setting? How would you pitch your dream to your employer? What would your appointment book look like? What are the practicalities of setting up?
- Hear from early career and more experienced optometrists about how they expanded their scope of practice e.g. into glaucoma management, kids vision, complex contact lenses.
- Understand Medicolegal and billing considerations.
- Discuss and complete a business plan template to bring to an employer when expanding scope of practise.
Technical requirements: All participants require a quiet location with audio and video capabilities to allow participation in the Zoom breakout rooms. Participants must log on from one device only.
CPD hours: 2 non-clinical interactive. NB: No CPD hours will be awarded to optometrists who do not participate in the break-out session.
7.00pm Introduction
7.05pm Saleem Ha: Making your pitch – talking to your employer about a clinical area of interest
7.35pm Patrick Cao: How to run Setup.exe – installing complex lens fittings into your practice
8.10pm Luke Arundel: Medicolegal and billing considerations when expanding scope of practice
8.40pm Claudia Jiang: Case Study – Express your passion for dry eye!
9.00pm Finish
Saleem Ha: Now in the twilight of his “Young Optometrist” phase, Saleem has been practicing in corporate optometry in both regional Australian and metro Sydney since graduating in 2012. He completed his Masters of Optometry (with Excellence) from UNSW in 2016 that reinforces his passion for Children’s care and Contact Lenses, and offers Myopia Management services alongside fitting RGPs, Keratoconic and Orthokeratology lenses. Professionally, he is a member of the CCLSA State Committee for NSW and has also been a Visiting Optometry Supervisor at the UNSW Optometry Clinic. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his photography hobby on family outings with his wife and 3 year old daughter.
Patrick Cao is an optometrist who fits speciality contact lenses for patients suffering from corneal ectasia at OPSM Macquarie St. In addition to fitting contact lenses, he also regularly travels to Hamilton in Newcastle to provide eyecare at Awabakal Medical Services for the local Indigenous community, and is a guest lecturer for the Masters of Medicine (Ophthalmic Sciences) for the University of Sydney. Patrick holds a Bachelor of Science and Optometry from the University of New South Wales, and completed a Certificate in Advanced Contact Lenses from the Australian College of Optometry.
Luke Arundel is the national professional services manager for Optometry Australia. He graduated with Honours in Optometry from QUT in 1998. He currently holds fellowships with the BCLA, CCLSA and IACLE and became an Adjunct Associate Professor of the University of Missouri, St Louis, USA in 2008.
His professional interests include keratoconus, post-graft and scleral lens fitting, dry eye, ortho-k and paediatric CL. He has worked in independent, corporate and specialty practices in Australia and overseas and in the CL manufacturing field for four years.
He has been a guest lecturer at state and international CL conferences and at the UNSW, UME and QUT Schools of Optometry.
Claudia Jiang has two years experience as a new-graduate optometrist at a large corporate practice. She has recently completed her certificate in Advanced Contact Lenses from the Australian College of Optometry, where she has begun to fit keratoconic and orthokeratology contact lenses. Claudia also regularly provides specialty dry eye treatment through Intense Pulse Light Therapy (IPL). She is looking forward to continue developing her clinical skills and broadening her scope of practice.