In the second of two talks brought to you by Optometry NSW/ACT in collaboration with the Optometry Council of New South Wales, you will discover how to be a better practitioner and avoid complaints against you:
- Understanding the complaints process
- How to protect yourself in the event of a complaint
- How to avoid a complaint in the first place
Learn about:
- the most common complaints received by the Optometry Council of NSW (and how to avoid them).
- practitioner responsibilities in releasing scripts, providing warranties and remaking glasses.
- a protocol for resolving conflict with angry, upset or disappointed patients
FREE event. 1 hour non-clinical CPD. Curated for NSW optometrists.
If you are keen to build your interactive CPD hours, remember you can discuss this talk content, what you have learnt, and how it benefits your practice, with a colleague afterwards and, if you are an OA member you can add this interactive discussion to ‘My Own Activities’ in your CPD plan.
Audrey Molloy qualified as an optometrist in Dublin and worked for several years in corporate and independent optometry practice before moving to Australia. She completed Certificates in Ocular Therapeutics (1999) and Advanced Contact Lenses (2000) at UNSW. She worked for Vision Eye Institute from 2002 to 2017 in a range of capacities from consultant optometry to referrer liaison and content marketing. She completed her Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics with ACO in 2018. She has worked at Optometry NSW/ACT since 2017 in a content marketing, member liaison and strategic communications role.
Paula Katalinic is the Professional Services and Advocacy Manager at Optometry NSW/ACT where she has been part of the team since 2004. Paula graduated with Bachelor of Optometry from UNSW School of Optometry in 1999 and subsequently completed a Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics in 2008 and Masters of Optometry in 2010. Soon after graduating, she developed a strong interest in diabetic eye disease whilst working at Joslin Diabetes Center’s Beetham Eye Institute in Boston for nearly four years. From 2009 until 2021, she was a principal optometrist and lead clinician at the Centre for Eye Health and currently continues to work on projects within the UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science. She has also worked as a staff optometrist in the UNSW School of Vision Science and practiced in both rural and urban practices in Australia. She has a keen interest in optometric education and has presented at numerous conferences and educational events both nationally and internationally as well as participating in clinical research throughout her career.
Isabelle Jalbert is a Canadian trained OD and therapeutic optometrist and Associate Professor at the School of Optometry and Vision Science at UNSW, where she heads a program of research and education focused on improving the delivery of evidence-based eyecare in Australia and teaches therapeutic management of anterior eye diseases. She is the recipient of the Australian Award for University Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning 2021 and the UNSW Vice-Chancellor Award for Teaching Excellence 2020. She joined the Optometry Council of NSW as Deputy President in 2021.
Catherine Gregory is the Legal Member of the Optometry Council NSW. She is a medical scientist and criminal lawyer, with extensive experience as Federal Prosecutor and advocate for the Crown and Commonwealth. Catherine has led complex criminal law matters of high public interest covering fraud, corruption, and serious organised crime. She advised State and Federal government investigative agencies on law, strategy and negotiation and was a member of several national committees. Prior to this, she worked in Commonwealth Biosecurity where she led teams through the control of disease outbreaks including the first SARS coronavirus pandemic.