OWA CPD Metro Evening on Wednesday 4th October 2023
CPD is Therapeutic Interactive.
Optometry Western Australia’s October CPD will be on the
4th October 2023. The presenter will be Dr Avenell Chew and the event is sponsored by Bayer.
Registration is OPEN for IN PERSON Attendance AND ZOOM
Topic: Clearing the Haze: Unveiling Corneal Infections
This is planned as an In Person Event & Zoom attendance. CPD applied for is Interactive Therapeutic.
Venue: UWA Optometry, 39 Fairway, Crawley, WA, 6009.
Registration is OPEN for In Person Attendance & ZOOM
This session aims to equip eye care providers with the skills to identify unusual or uncommon clinical signs and symptoms that may indicate an atypical infection, allowing for prompt diagnosis and appropriate management in order to prevent complications. It also aims to equip eye care providers with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively treat frequently encountered corneal infections within community healthcare settings, ensuring timely and efficient care for patients with these common ocular conditions.
Learning Objectives
- Recognition of features suggesting of atypical infection
- Treatment of common corneal infections in the community
Max CPD hours awarded: 1 HOUR Therapeutic Interactive
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OWA Office, West Perth.
Optometry WA
Show detailsCPD Sponsor: Bayer Australia
Show detailsBayer have been long term supporters of Optometry WA CPD evenings, both metro, regional and ECO events. Bayer provide OWA with popular speakers during the year's CPD calendar.