
The Optometry Victoria South Australia (OV/SA) Board has announced new office bearers for the forthcoming year.
President – Timothy Lo
As a founding and managing director of three independent Victorian practices in Langwarrin, Carrum Downs and Mornington, Timothy has operational management and strategic development experience, and an intimate understanding of OV/SA members’ concerns.
Timothy has a proven track record of leadership within the organisation. He was a Board Director of Optometry Victoria (OV) and has been Treasurer of OV/SA since 2019, when Optometry South Australia (OSA) and OV merged. Timothy has held the role of Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee and is the current Chair of CPD Program Committee.
Vice President – Dr Anne Weymouth
Anne is a member of the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision, a Credentialed Optometrist for CASA, a Senior Fellow of the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences at the University of Melbourne and a fellow of the Australian College of Optometry. She has extensive experience arising from research, teaching and years as both a sole and public health clinical practitioner.
Along with consulting as an electrophysiologist in private ophthalmology practice, Anne conducts occupational assessments of visual function and is involved in post-graduate supervision and lecturing at the University of Melbourne.
Anne was on the Optometry Victoria Board since 2016 and has been Vice President of the OV/SA Board since amalgamation in 2019 and Chair of the Governance Committee.
Treasurer – Kristin Guppy
Kristin is an optometrist and director of Bridge Eye Care, an independent practice in South Australia. She has experience across a range of optometry settings and joined the OV/SA Board in late 2021. Kristin is also Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.
Laura Carson, Simon Hanna, Stephanie Callisto, Elise Pocknee-Clem and Andrew Anderson will continue in their positions as Board Directors.
Isaac Curkpatrick will continue as an Associate Board Director, a role which develops future directors and enhances succession planning. Applications for a second OV/SA Associate Board Director position are open until 15 January 2024.
Cassandra Haines has resigned her director position and stepped into a newly created State Lead role for South Australia, with Optometry Australia. In this role, Cassandra will play a key role in connecting with members and stakeholders across SA, and driving SA-specific advocacy.
Thank you to Elise Pocknee-Clem
Elise Pocknee-Clem has retired from the role of President of OV/SA and remains a Board Director.
Elise’s tenure as President has seen many changes in the organisation. Incoming President Timothy Lo paid tribute to Elise, saying ‘Elise’s commitment to optometry through both OSA and OV/SA boards, including president terms of 5 years and 4 ½ years respectively, has been unwavering. Her leadership has been critical at a time of change for the organisation.
‘As OV/SA President, Elise was instrumental in delivering the amalgamation of OSA with OVic, and has overseen the integration with Optometry Australia. She has led the organisation through the challenges of COVID-19, a change of CEOs and the significant achievement of hosting the World Congress of Optometry alongside O=MEGA 23. Throughout, Elise has maintained an unwavering focus on delivering for our members.’
Tagged as: board, Directors, Elise, Kristin, OV/SA, Tim