You’re about to start working as a newly registered optometrist in Australia – congratulations!
Are you a new grad optometrist, an optometrist working in Australia for the first time or someone returning to our profession after taking a career break?
Optometry Australia’s team of optometrists has developed this suite of quick-start resources to help you launch into clinical practice safely and efficiently. We understand your challenges and needs, and aim to deliver you accurate information without bias.
Here you can download complimentary eBooks such as ‘Starting Out’ and ‘The First 90 Days’, listen to podcasts like ‘What I wish I’d known before I started practice’ and access indispensable guides and chairside tables such as our ‘PBS list for optometrists’, ‘Contact Lens Resource Guide’ and ‘Medicare item use guide’.
This starter kit was curated with you in mind. We encourage you to check-in with the Your Launching Pad page from time to time as this content is updated regularly.
Please contact our national Optometrist Advisor Help Desk or your respective state division if you have any clinical or professional questions during your first years. We are here to support you with one-on-one confidential advice.
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