
By Rhiannon Riches
SRC 2015 welcomed 825 delegates from Australia and New Zealand at the Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre during the three-day congress.
Organised by Optometry Victoria, the dual-stream program credited with up to 55 CPD points featured speakers from interstate and abroad, as well as local experts. Delegates had the opportunity to meet international speakers Professor Blair Lonsberry and Professor Chris Lievens during the congress.
The SRC Trade Expo held on Saturday and Sunday allowed delegates to test the latest equipment and learn about new products coming to market.
Ninety students from both the University of Melbourne and Deakin University attended the Student Careers Expo on Sunday. Students had the opportunity to meet with future employers and hear from recent graduates.
Professor David Atchison was presented with the H Barry Collin Research Medal yesterday and gave a lecture on optical models of human eyes.
Lecture notes from the event are available on the SRC website and SRC App.