
By Rhiannon Riches
Communications Manager
AFT Pharmaceuticals has announced that NovaTears, its new preservative-free eye lubricant and tear film stabiliser for the treatment of evaporative dry eye, has been listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from 1 September 2018.
Research cited by the pharmaceutical company claims that evaporative dry eye is the most common type of dry eye disease, impacting approximately 86 per cent of dry eye disease sufferers.
Dr Hartley Atkinson, pharmacologist and CEO of AFT Pharmaceuticals, said NovaTears is a new class of dry eye therapy.
‘It’s based on patented EyeSol technology, which can provide relief for evaporative dry Eye sufferers, and fulfil a significant patient need. It’s long-lasting and spreads very easily across the eye, providing relief without blurred vision, stinging or burning,’ he said.
‘Clinical studies of evaporative dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction patients have shown significant improvement in objective signs and subjective symptoms after using NovaTears,’ Dr Atkinson said.
‘We are very pleased to see NovaTears listed on the PBS, allowing greater access to evaporative dry eye sufferers, particularly those who are sensitive to preservatives.’
A media release issued by AFT Pharmaceuticals states: ‘Being water-free is one of the major benefits of NovaTears, as it means there is no microbial growth possible in the solution and allows for the delivery of preservative-free drops in a convenient multi-dose bottle. NovaTears also has a much smaller droplet size – four to five times smaller than traditional water-based eye drops, which minimises spill-over.’
Tagged as: Therapeutics