Optometry Tasmania president Brett Jenkinson (L) presents Micheal Knipe with a Certificate of Merit
Former national president Micheal Knipe was presented with a Certificate of Merit at the TLC CooperVision dinner, in recognition of his work in and for the profession. Mr Knipe has served as national president of Optometrists Association Australia and chairman of ProVision.
Almost 100 delegates attended the Tasmania Lifestyle Congress in Hobart on 22-24 August. It was the Division’s first conference since rebranding as Optometry Tasmania.
Titled ‘The New Century: New and Trusted Techniques for Young and Old’, the congress included a special low vision seminar and offered up to 40 CPD points, of which 20 points were therapeutic.
Optometry Tasmania CEO Geoff Squibb announced at the dinner that the presentation of the Tasmania Optometry Foundation grants and scholarships awards had been postponed to a later date.
Optometry Tasmania held its annual general meeting on 23 August, during the congress. At the AGM, Devonport optometrist Stephen Witt was elected to the board, replacing Tim Powell who had resigned.
At the first board meeting following the AGM, Brett Jenkinson and Andrew Hogan were re-elected president and vice president, respectively. Joanna Lindsay was appointed to the role of secretary.