
By Genevieve Quilty
National CEO
The December issue of Australian Optometry is the last to be published in print as we heighten our transition to digital communications. The shift allows your national organisation to further develop our services and products to meet both the membership’s size and needs, and the price you are prepared to pay to be members of our state organisations.
We will launch a new shareable Australian Optometry App this month, allowing you to easily stay in touch with the latest news and hyperlink quickly to our continually evolving website. Digital channels are the focus for Optometry Australia to communicate with you.
You all know that change is the new norm in your professional lives. We celebrate 36 years of Australian Optometry in print in these pages. In 10 years time, I am sure we will be celebrating the benefits that the digital age has brought to the profession, and the way Optometry Australia communicates with you and how you connect with us.
We know for some change is difficult, for others it’s change you relish. Thank you for working with Optometry Australia as we too change and adapt to 2016 and beyond.
At this time of year, many of us have the opportunity to pause and give back. Optometry Giving Sight is a great way of donating to those less fortunate, here and overseas. Check the range of giving options on www.givingsight.org and be uplifted with the power a small donation can bring. Please give until it feels good.