
Professor Algis Vingrys (centre) with the Class of 1986 (L-R) Andre Kupfer, Steve Stamatelatos, Kent Snibson, Lily Wegrzynowski, Rob MacQualter and Jane Duffy
By Rhiannon Riches
Assistant Editor
Long-term optometry graduates from the University of Melbourne gathered for a reunion at the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences in June.
The class of 1986 reunion took place on 21 June and the class of 1976 reunion was held on 23 June.
The former students toured the department’s new teaching, research and clinical facilities as part of their reunion.
Class of 1976 (L-R front) Nathan Efron, Peter Craven, Alan Greenhill, Colin Bates; (middle row) Judy Orenstein (nee Wood), Maria Greene (nee Dobes), Patricia Kiely Poropat, Debra Boyce-Jahn (nee Boyce); (rear) Peter Cunningham, Russell Lowe, Chris McDonald, Jean Lamont (nee Walters)