Professional Development and Clinical Policy Manager Simon Hanna speaking to Mylan’s marketing and sales teams
By Rhiannon Riches
Communications Manager
Pharmaceutical company Mylan has invited Optometry Australia to speak at its mid-year conference.
Professional Development and Clinical Policy Manager Simon Hanna spoke to Mylan’s marketing and sales teams at its mid-year conference on the Gold Coast on 28 June about the role of optometrists in the eye care of patients with diabetes.
Mylan manufacture Lipidil (Fenofibrate) which is listed on the PBS for treating the cardiovascular system and can be prescribed only by medical practitioners and nurses.
‘We reference Fenofibrate in our recently updated clinical guidelines on the examination and management of patients with diabetes,’ Simon said.
‘GPs prescribe patients Fenofibrate to help manage cholesterol and it has been shown to slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy as a side-effect in some instances,’ he said.
Simon said Optometry Australia is building its working relationships with other professions in the medical field, including pharmacists, GPs, and pharmaceutical companies.
‘We’ve been working with Mylan on reviewing its GP factsheet regarding the importance and frequency of comprehensive diabetes eye examinations with optometrists,’ he said.
‘We’ve also just completed a marketing campaign targeting 30,000 Australian pharmacists and pharmacy assistants via print and digital media to educate them on the role of optometrists in eye care.’
Simon said about 60 marketing and sales representatives attended Mylan’s mid-year conference.
‘This was an opportunity to explain what optometrists do and to talk to Mylan’s marketing and sales teams about how they can promote optometry to GPs, focusing on the role of optometrists in eye care, particularly related to diabetes.’
Simon said his one-hour guest speaker role at the conference included a 45-minute presentation and 15-minute question-time.
‘I was asked to cover a range of information in my presentation including diabetic retinopathy prevalence and incidence statistics, and the role retinal screening plays in detection of diabetic retinopathy in Australia now and in the future.
‘I was also asked to speak about the role of optometrists in the general ongoing eye care of type 2 diabetes patients, how to further improve the communication flow between GPs, endocrinologists, optometrists, ophthalmologists and patients, and an update of Optometry Australia’s clinical guidelines on the optometric examination and management of patients with diabetes,’ Simon said.
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