An image from the television advertisement
By Optometry Australia
A new Good vision for life national television campaign, featuring Optometry Australia’s first ever TV commercial, will encourage Australians to prioritise their eye health and make an appointment with an optometrist for an eye examination.
As part of the new activity bolstered by federal government funding, Optometry Australia negotiated content placement partnerships including TV advertisements and branded segments to be aired nationwide. These include ads on Channel Nine and interviews about children’s vision and myopia plus TV ads and posters in GP waiting rooms around Australia.
The first partnership with Channel Nine will feature a new eye health advertisement (catch a sneak peak of the almost-finalised ad here) airing nationally throughout March during the following shows:
The Channel Nine package also includes a series of interviews (or ‘branded segments’) with Optometry Australia’s Chief Clinical Officer Luke Arundel discussing children’s vision and myopia.
These segments will be aired on the Today Extra program on:
The second partnership is with Tonic Health Media and will utilise its network of televisions located in 1,606 GP waiting rooms nationally to air full-sound eye health advertisements once every 30 minutes. These will screen from March until May and they will be supported by digital posters in the same waiting rooms. We will complement this television activity with our ongoing ‘Make this your year for good vision for life’ digital advertising campaign on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Optometry Australia CEO Lyn Brodie said in an electronic direct mail sent to members today: ‘I hope you get the opportunity to tune in and catch our campaign from this weekend and importantly, that it will motivate more Australians to make an appointment to have an eye examination. ‘As our campaigns encourage Australians to go to goodvisionforlife.com.au and to use our Find an optometrist search function to find an optometrist near them, I encourage you to check your membership details to ensure that they are up-to-date and correct.’
Tagged as: Marketing