
By Kerry I’Anson
Nation Brand and Corporate Relations Manager
Results for September highlight that more than 1.6 million Australians were exposed to the Good vision for life campaign.
These figures exclude the digital banner campaign and Tasmania’s radio campaign as those results are still pending.
With the figures received to date, the Southern Cross Austereo radio campaign has reached 1.1 million Australians. Radio includes a combination of 30-second advertisements and live announcements.
Of the 695 spots aired, Austereo gave 337 to our campaign as a bonus, which has allowed our campaign to be aired significantly more than we had budgeted. South Australia received the largest block of bonus spots, enabling our radio reach to extend to 126,000 in the state.
The radio campaign has been completed for 2016 and will commence again in 2017.
Facebook is our second major channel to consumers with a combined reach of 536,000 through organic and paid growth. Our extensive Facebook advertising campaign to draw visitors to our website and our Facebook page has enabled us to put our messaging in front of 422,000 people, of whom 15,000 have taken some form of immediate action. Backing this are our website statistics that highlight that social media make up 16 per cent of all referral channels.
At the end of September, 662 fans had signed on to the new Good vision for life campaign page. Through these fans, we were able to extend our posts to 114,000 additional consumers.
Visitation to the consumer website continues to grow with almost 9,000 users in less than four weeks, consuming 17,600 page views. Return visitation is strengthening at 23.3 per cent. The most popular page that our visitors head to after the home page is Visiting your optometrist, and searching for an optometrist is trending in the top five site interactions.
Direct access to the website is sitting at 47 per cent which means that site visitors are typing goodvisionforlife.com.au into their URL, indicating the likely success of the radio portion of the campaign in gaining consumers’ attention and raising awareness of the brand.
Females are our most popular campaign fans across the website and Facebook.
Some morning television segments to support our campaign are in production and will be aired on Channel 7 in 2017.
A further report will be delivered for the October results.